It seem it's not a series but i actually making series with this baby pink beads. This time I combined with violet beads. She is very cute like a violet in the garden.
This is the original color of the crocodile. The very original first creation was a little bit bigger than this one.. I like it because it's very fun and toy color.
One of my friend gave me this plant call "shiso". In latin name call "Perilla". It's a family of mint and have unique taste and perfume. I usually put it in the salad or just chop and mix with boiled rice with sesame. Or roll with chicken also is good!
Here's first listed of this week! Yellow and blue crocodile Keychain! Imagine that one sunday at the swimming pool in the neighborhood. just relax and this crocodile is with you...
I have listed new earrings on my shop! Here is cool tonight.. Elvis, one of our cat came home.. he was outside for 3days. He is just 5year old but don't have the canine teeth.. He is just like a pirate cat.
I made some more crocodiles keychain. I will list them in next week! so please check it up!
In this season in the market there's little peach crashed.. I like it because they have strong sweet perfume and taste also sweet. Since I looked up on the internet: Here they call "Pesca tabacchiera". It is usually grown in Etna, Sicily. Inside is white and it taste very sweet. They call it "tabacchiera" because it seems antique tabbaco box... If you find it I recommend to try it! It is very very good!
I bought this african print skirt via internet! The shop call MANANI. MANANI means plastic or modelling in West African language. She is selling clothes made of African fabric and jewelry. They are very fabulous! The online shop is in Japanese but she has also shop in Paris.
I love the pattern and the color of this skirt. Feeling this summer african air..