One month ago I bought this beautiful yarn on Etsy. It was my small dream to buy a hand spun yarn and make something special. But I needed to practice before buying it. I did some project and get used to make some project and knitting. After some project I finally decided. I looked up on Etsy and found this lovely grape color yarn at Debland. It arrived after 2weeks and... voi là! I was so excited! I opened my little box and found grape color yarn.
I found this pattern on internet call Holding Hands, Feeding Ducks. I liked the title also the stitch she is using. It is perfect for my special project!
It took one week because I didn't want to mistake. Little by little at night on the couch with my cats around, I knitted, knitted knitted...
25 stitch and I knitted until it reach 60cm.
It turned out really nice. It keep me warm and I get many compliments!
I also like the square wooden button which I found at the hobby show where I went there with my friend.